Monday, July 28, 2008

Breakfast at Six -- P.M., That Is...

I worked Friday night/Saturday morning from about 6 p.m. to 6:30 a.m., and it's one of those funny on-set conventions: the first meal, no matter what time is "breakfast," the second is "lunch." So although it was Mexican food and salad, the first meal they gave us was indeed breakfast. And lunch was served at 1:15 a.m...

From a tip by a friend, I found a movie theatre nearby that allows free entry with a SAG card - whoo-hoo! And not just free for me, but free for a guest, too. I guess I found where I'll be seeing most of my movies...

Had an audition for a SAG short on Sunday. The director is a guy I met at the SAG conservatory a few weekends ago. It is a fun little script, so hopefully I hear back.


  1. wait, did you mean PM in your title? Perhaps the notion of FREE MOVIES just left me confused . . .

  2. indeed, I did! thank you, my friend. that's what I get for posting at 6 A.M.

    PS - come by for a free movie anytime...


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