Friday, January 11, 2008

Great In 2008!

I guess I have procrastinated long enough, time for me to put up my resolutions/goals for the coming year. I figure if I actually write them down here, I’ll be more likely to follow them. Over the 3 months or so since I’ve arrived in L.A., I’ve started to learn a bit about the city and the industry, and I look forward to a big 2008. The following is a list that combines both resolutions (things I have control over) and goals (things that I can work towards, but which may be out of my control).

- Sign with a commercial agent
- Book a commercial
- Get my SAG card
- Self-submit (to notices online for films, commercials, etc.) to at least one thing every day – even if I don’t exactly fit the description, because you never know…
- Update my blog at least every other day
- Enroll in a regular acting class, as a way of improving my technique and building up other connections in the industry
- Read a novel (industry-related/acting/self-help books do not count) every month
- Work on networking – do something; attend a screening, set-up a meeting – every week
- Make an industry contact list and add at least one person’s name & contact info every week
- Get business cards made, they are much easier than headshots or postcards to carry around and hand out
- Go to the Y, or do something active, at least 4 times a week
- Find a racquetball partner

This is not a comprehensive list of things I’d like to accomplish this year (some other things are contingent on this writer’s strike ending!), but it should serve as a starting point.

If any of you are brave enough, or crazy enough, to make New Year’s resolutions, best of luck seeing them through!


  1. Jeff-

    Good for you! Sounds like lots of work ahead. Thanks for sharing!

    Love- J

  2. Sounds pretty ambitious, Jeff. Good luck
    I'm looking forward to seeing you on in a commercial on TV.

  3. Thanks for reading! I hope to be in a commercial that you can see soon ;)


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