Working on our
Seeing Butter webisodes last week was a really positive experience all around - no matter how the final product turns out ;) It's always good to 'keep those creative juices flowing' as they say, and I learned a great deal about the producing aspect of a project. From completing the SAG paperwork, to coordinating schedules, to renting sound equipment, we found out a lot about what goes into making even the smallest of productions. Luckily we had some really talented and generous people onboard who had camera equipment and sound expertise. And similarly, our director, Jeremy, came along with editing expertise, so all the raw footage is in his capable hands now.
Just a little bit about the story of
Seeing Butter: It involves an ordinary man named Randy who comes home to his apartment and discovers a portly gray cat sitting inside. The comedy/mystery follows as Randy tries to discover whose cat it is and why it's there.
Here is a picture of the feline actor in our film -- she was in the process of okaying the script when something more important took

her attention away...
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