Or ON court, I should say. One (HOT!) morning last week, I got out on the tennis court with tennis/life coach, Zach Kleiman. I met Zach a few months back through a mutual friend, and I stayed at his house for a week in June watching his dogs while he was away.
It was then that Zach approached me with the idea of someday getting out on the tennis court for a lesson which would be filmed and then maybe edited down to a 2-3 minute webisode. Of course I was into the idea, though I had to tell him that I haven't been on a tennis court more than once or twice in 15 years. All the better he said.
After a few months, he called last week having finally worked out a time with his camera guy and we hit the court. It was a lot of fun, and very insightful. He truly teaches/coaches more about life than about actual tennis skills, and I hope to get to hit with him again soon. If and when a webisode of our lesson comes to fruition, I'll definitely post it. But, for now, you can read about Zach's clients and experiences in a column on the website Soul Pancake --
HERE is a link to his latest posting.