Saturday, April 11, 2009

Summer Movie Season

When I was younger, summer meant big blockbuster movies. It still does, only now those summer popcorn films are coming out earlier and earlier. Highly anticipated X-Men Origins: Wolverine comes out May 1, and that just begins a long line of big-budget tent pole movies. I for one love the summer movie season. Yeah, yeah, the movies aren't always great -- sometimes not even good -- but they are events. Lots of people, lots of energy, lots of action. And occasionally, these summer blockbusters even transcend the popcorn fare genre; the groundbreaking Jurassic Park and last summer's The Dark Knight are a couple that come to mind

You can see that sometimes I'll post polls on the right of the screen just to gauge everybody else's summer movie appetite. Of course, I am a little biased for two early summer releases: Star Trek (opens May 8th) on the set of which I did several weeks of extra work, on some pretty cool scenes I might add -- and Angels & Demons (opens the next weekend, May 15th) which I got to work a few weeks on as a blue-clad SAG principal Swiss Guard. If you happen to venture out to either of these summer movies, keep an eye out for me ;)

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