This weekend, my friend Nick visited from Chicago and we jammed the weekend full of L.A. stuff. Among our activities: a screening of
The Godfather at the
Arclight, the
Dearly Departed tour which showcased popular LA crime scenes and the places where many celebrities bid this world adieu, morning surfing in Santa Monica, a walk on the Chinese Theatre's hand & footprint exhibit, and a visit to
The Getty Center. It was good fun seeing Nick, and it provided me with an excuse to do many of the 'tourist' things that I've been wanting to do, but just keep putting off. The tour was great because we went through many neighborhoods that I had never been in - after all, as we learned, LA is 450 square miles, so there is plenty of the city that I have yet to see.
Surfing was a lot of fun, too. (The pictures are a bit fuzzy - must be because I was moving so
fast ;) I need some practice, but for a beginner I think I did pretty well -- and man, what a workout. With all that paddling out and balance work, no wonder surfers are always in incredible shape!
Now that I've had a nice weekend, I'm ready to get back to work. Or, more accurately, working to
get work.
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