Tuesday, February 8, 2011


After many months, I finally got another commercial audition -- Huzzah!  It was for GMC, in the role of a DUST BOWL ERA FARMER, which sounds like it could be some dusty, dirty fun.  The audition was short and painless; they just took a few photos and had us improvise a little bit.  I felt like it went well, though I'm not holding my breath as I was auditionee #115 on the day and they were still seeing folks for another hour or so.  They were bringing in all types -- ages, races, looks -- so I'm hoping they need at least a few guys for the spot, but I'm not sure.  At any rate though, just grateful to get back out there!


  1. That's great, Jeff! If anyone can be a dust bowl era farmer, it's you. ;-)

  2. Omg this business is so tough...
    Well done you :) Hope u get the part!

  3. thanks for the support Lisa and Patty! :)


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