Monday, December 10, 2012


First shot of the day, as David Kerry...
Last week marked the beginning of the filming process for Amnesia -- the first PAI Film Lab project.  Some long days to be sure, but it was a wonderful experience!  Here are some shots from the set...

A later interview with Garrett (Chad Evans), DP Rene Jung
Director Paul Kampf explains the meaning of life, with Gwen (Erica Simpson)
Gearing up for a big scene
In-between takes
David and wife, Monica (Victoria Smurfit)

A little beaten up
My movie sisters (Whitton Frank, Heather Long)
My best friend Ron (Chris Martin)

Friday, December 7, 2012

Adding Negative Value?

I got a residual check this week from the episode of Criminal Minds I worked on awhile back.  The usual categories came up: Foreign, Pay TV, DVD, etc.  But, also, for the first time I noticed a NEGATIVE value on a residuals statement -- under "Internet Rental."

Hmm, does that mean that we actually had to pay some folks to watch it online? Or that people who did watch it were so disgusted that they demanded (and received) refunds?  I'm not sure.  I'm just glad that the plus amounts were greater than the minuses.  I'd hate to have to write out a check for being on the show...